We will not sell, loan, share or give away information related to you or your use of this WEB site. Event registrations that are not taken on line will be handled in person, by phone, by mail or by individual email. Effective immediately, the following changes apply to all European Union citizens, due to the new GDPR law: All on line memberships or other sales will be processed by a secure GDPR compliant third party. Any personal information, email address information, subscription information, or information related to donations or volunteer activities that you provide through our WEB site will not be shared beyond duly authorized in-house staff except as may be required by law, and / or by a properly executed court order. Minimum age restrictions apply to you if you provide information to us. At your option, you may purge our data about you by contacting us by phone, in writing, and / or email. We will verify any such requests. Be advised that purging your information may result in the cancellation of your membership or other activities listed above. Where prohibited by law, we may not be able to expunge all of your activities or data from our site, or our other records.